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Artifact: Genetic Disk

In our story we were inspired by this controversial artifact presented by Archeologist Klaus Dona. Of course the original one doesn’t have the Kanaga symbol on it. Here some information about the Genetic Disc. So you decide if it is a genuine piece or a hoax.   An extraordinary and awesome Disc in black stone that … Continue reading Artifact: Genetic Disk

GÖBEKLİTEPE: The World’s Oldest Temple

The Birth of Religion We used to think agriculture gave rise to cities and later to writing, art, and religion. Now the world’s oldest temple suggests the urge to worship sparked civilization. Every now and then the dawn of civilization is reenacted on a remote hilltop in southern Turkey. The reenactors are busloads of tourists—usually … Continue reading GÖBEKLİTEPE: The World’s Oldest Temple

Harran:The Center for Knowledge and The Moon God Sin

Harran (Akkadian Harrânu, “intersecting roads”; Latin Carrhae): ancient city in Mesopotamia, famous for a temple of the Moon god Sin and the defeat of the Roman general Crassus in 53 BCE (“battle of Carrhae”). Early History From the third millennium BCE until medieval times, Harran is mentioned as an important trade center in northern Mesopotamia, … Continue reading Harran:The Center for Knowledge and The Moon God Sin

DARA: Ancient City

When travelers visit the south-eastern Anatolian province of Mardin, they usually feel that they need to see just one place – the capital of the province. Meanwhile, in the area there are relatively little known but very interesting ruins of the ancient city of Dara. In the early Byzantine times, Dara was an important fortress, … Continue reading DARA: Ancient City